Why pay more for 1 TB of storage and 2 TB of data transfer each month, especially when all features are the same?
Lots of SSD Storage
Get a lot of storage at a stellar price-performance ratio. Our VPS for storage can be used for any application or project, and it's a great fit if you prefer VM for your storage needs.
32 TB of outgoing, and unlimited inbound data transfer with a connection speed between 200 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s.
We automatically detect and mitigate DDoS attacks on your infrastructure. The global network is protected at the network level
Each server comes with dedicated IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and you can buy and configure additional IP addresses.
File Sharing, Backup files, Large Objects, Storing Logs and etc.,
Fast SSD Storage VPS for Less
Here are the most frequently asked questions. You can also your questions by our Contact us forms
Here are the most frequently requested specs for object storage:
You can use up to 100 buckets per S3 account.
You can have one object storage per location.
Max individual file size is 5 TB.
API requests are limited to 250 per second.
Yes. Use API, AWS S3 CLI, Cyberduck or other clients supporting versioning to access this feature.
No, there are no fees for deleting objects. Our Object Storage has an all-inclusive rate so there are no extra charges. Plus, we believe you shouldn’t be charged for handling your own data.
Data transfer is unlimited and free with Object Storage.
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