Act as a Local business in Global market by activating Multilingual and Multicurrency and customer Local base services in your own e-Business
Become Glocalize! (Localize your Global) by eBiziner Globalizer.
You can serve and satisfy your Local customers in any country or any part of your Global market.
Translate your e-Business, eShop and product pages into 103+ languages, including Japanese, or RTL (right-to-left) languages as like as Arabic.
120+ payment integrations with global payment providers like PayPal, Skrill, and will allow you to perform cross-currency transactions and offer payment methods that your customers prefer. All without any transaction fees or hidden charges.
Give your customers the most accurate international shipping quotes available with real-time shipping rates from UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS, Canada Post, and others. Seamlessly connect carriers, warehouses, and 3PL partners.
Take your eCommerce business global. Easily configure domestic and international taxes for your local and cross-border customers. Set up sales tax for the US, VAT for Europe, PST/GST/HST for Canada and Australia.
Check the available services for your target country. This list is under developing any time. Follow our socials and news emails to keep update.
Here are the most frequently asked questions. You can also your questions by our Contact us forms
Glocalizer is combination of Globalizing nd Localizing and it means that if your business is active in deferent countries you will need to have some Local services as like as Local banks, Local Logistic currier services, Local Tax and Local languages. So you can activate Local services in you websites to act in Global market.
If you are selling from your local store or branch in other countries, you will need to use third party service providers to offer your products or services.
By going to our country base applications list you can find what is available for your business in your target or local country. The list is under constraction and developing.
Some of plugins for this services are free and you will not charge for them. But we have to buy the license of others for you and you will charge for these group of features.
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